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Interactive Accessibility Campus Map

Furthering the accessibility of Purdue's campus for its many students and guests.


An application to assist individuals on campus with limited mobility by providing information regarding accessiblity

Meet the team:

Below is the first update of our ArcGis Map with labeled buildings and accessible access points! We are in the process of adding interior features like elevators and bathrooms. Stay tuned...
-In Arcgis we have a completed map that shows accessible entrances, we are now thinking of a deliverable for our project partner.

-We are adding to our project by creating interior blueprint layouts of each building on the academic campus that will show users, highlighted bathrooms, elevators, etc.

-We have used HTML to build a website where we are able to embed the campus map into the website. We have also added a link to this site on the new website. We are currently working on how to conveniently add blueprints to the website

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